Toma Thule

Title The Lion, King of Kings, He Who Rules
Portfolio Community, civilization and rulership
Typical Worshipers City officials, nobility, paladins
Typical Worshiper Alignment Lawful Good
Domains Artifice, Community, Law, Nobility
Subdomains Archon, Home, Leadership, Toil
Favored Weapon Warhammer
Favored Animal(s) Lion


Toma Thule is the embodiment of nobility: even among the gods, he stands out from the rest. He is one of the youngest of the gods, spontaneously appearing from the combined will of those that wished a being to govern them and their destiny. He possesses all the vim, vigor and zeal of youth (as gods measure such things). Toma Thule’s one failing, if a god can have such by mortal standards, is that his rule is absolute (at least that is how he sees it), and this is often perceived as arrogance among others of the pantheon. It is through this absolutist view, though, that has seen Toma Thule rise in prominence within the deities, Lost Gods or otherwise. It is also this unbending resolve that attracts so many to his temples. He is a divine light amongst the darkness, and a beacon of order amidst the chaos. He leads, and others follow. His precepts are written in a freely-available document called the Thulian Codex. Church

Toma Thule attracts many followers from the ranks of nobility, in particular those that claim divine right. Toma Thule is also popular among knightly orders and crusaders. Many of his clerics will be found among the front lines of a crusade or other campaign being fought for the good of the realm or against foes that threaten the stability of civilized lands. Temples devoted to Toma Thule are austere in nature. They contain only that which is needed by the clergy to carry out their duties. Clerical orders are organized in military fashion; the highest ranked, called the Thane, with a number of seconds, called Exarchs. Each Exarch oversees a number of Canons, who in turn oversee Chaplains. The number of each rank varies from temple to temple, based on the size of the congregation. Those who are not based within a temple are simply known as Clerics. Special groups outside this hierarchy is the Chroniclers, and their assistants, the Librarians. They update the Thulian Codex as a living document and spread the word of Toma Thule, preserving the histories of civilization and making up the bulk of adventuring clergy.

Spell Preparation Rituals

Though various clerical and knightly orders have their own rituals, there are several practices that are followed by any that belong to the Order of Thule. Followers recognize the summer and winter solstice days as the midpoint or terminus of the year. These holy days are celebrated among all orders. No wars or battles will be fought on these days by any member of Toma Thule’s clergy. No follower of Toma Thule will enter or seek to initiate a conflict through deceit. No quarter is given to or sought from those that seek to disrupt the purity of law. In battle, a follower of Toma Thule must distinguish themselves, so that allies may draw inspiration from them, and their enemies may know who it is that is about to visit their fate upon them. Public presentation of the Codex serves to renew spells for his clerical faithful, combining that activity with strident sermon.

Religion Traits

The following religion traits may be chosen by worshipers of this deity.

Beacon of Order

You hold yourself as a symbol for those around you and as an earthly light for the divine fervor of Toma Thule.

Benefit You gain a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks when in battle.

Unbending Will

You are your god’s will manifest.

Benefit You gain a +2 trait bonus on saves vs. fear and fear effects when in battle.

Section 15: Copyright Notice

The Gods of Porphyra © 2012, Purple Duck Games; Authors: Christopher Kaiser, Perry Fehr, Mark Gedak, August Hahn, John Hazen, Sean Holland, Sam Hing, James H. Lewis, Chris Longhurst, Scott Messer, Sean O’Connor, David Nicholas Ross, and Jeremy Whalen

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